Western Himalayan spruce. Picea morinda smthiana. Seeds.
The Himalayan spruce is an evergreen shave tree of the pine family.
Spread in the Himalayas from Afghanistan to Nepal.
Height approximately 40-55 m (sometimes up to 60 m).
Needles 30-55 mm long (the longest of any spruce), medium green.
Cones are cylindrical, 9-16 cm long, 3 cm wide.
The Himalayan spruce is a popular ornamental plant in European botanical gardens.
Soak the seeds in warm water for 12 hours.
Mix with wet vermiculite or sterile sand, put in an airtight bag. This stratification should take 2-3 months.
Stratification only accelerates seed germination, but seeds can be sown without additional stratification immediately after soaking. That way, germination will go slower.
After stratification, sow on wet soil and apply only a thin layer (1-2 mm) of sifted soil.
Cover the pot with glass or clear film, remove it once the seeds have started to sprout. Watering periodically and with measure, keep the soil only moderately moist. Excessive moisture damages seedlings and their surface and root system development.
Keep the seedlings partly in the shade for the first year. The soil should be only slightly wet.
Only second-year plants shall be planted in a permanent place.
Pack of 3 seeds.