Amur lilac. Syringa Amurensis.
A magnificent bush growing up to 4 m high, with strong straight trunks and dense wreaths. In early formations, trees with a layer or two trunk can be formed from bushes.
The flowers are small, creamy white, honey-flavoured, focussed on slotins up to 20 cm long.
Blossomed in late June - early July.
Grow well in sunny areas, fertile and humid soils.
The plant is resistant to air pollution, suitable for city streets, parks, mixed crops.
Plants are durable and properly planted hardly require maintenance and rarely need to be trimmed and shaped.
Soak the seeds in warm water in a thermos for 24 hours before sowing, place them in a wet substrate and keep them in the fridge for 35 days, seeds in a thread at room temperature. It's important your ear doesn't dry and isn't too wet.
3 Seeds in the pack.